
Showing posts from April, 2017


About five years ago, my state decided to not use the HSPA (High School Proficiency Assessment) any longer as the required test to determine that students have met the minimal requirements for graduation. This test assessed their knowledge of basic skills in reading, writing, and math. They replaced that test with PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College & Careers). Previously, when students did not pass HSPA, they were 1) required to take it again and 2) given the opportunity to complete the alternative option which was to complete several tasks after school or in the morning to build a portfolio to prove that they have mastered the skills needed to graduate. Now, our students are given more options. To meet the testing requirement for graduation they must take and pass or meet a minimum score on the PARCC, ACT, or SAT.   Here’s my complaint. The seniors at my school haven’t met any of these requirements. They protested the PARCC, because boo to Common Cor


I teach high school seniors. I teach a core course that is required for graduation, English IV. There have been three parent-teacher conference days this school year. One lasted from 3:00-5:00 and the others were from 1:00- 7:00. I teach all of the seniors in the school with the exception of the self-contained special needs students. I have met seven parents and two older siblings. That’s it.  There have been special meetings for the parents of the seniors to speak with the staff about graduation requirements. Ten parents show up. Academic awards dinners, 12 parents. Sporting events, maybe 20 parents. Individual conferences for misbehaving students or failures that jeopardize graduation, they have to work and can’t come.     This week the students were told that there would not be a toast off celebration for the prom. They lost it! They circulated a petition and parents called the school to complain. Seriously?! The prom isn’t canceled. There just won’t be a toast off prior to t


  In my early years as an educator, I was always told that a good teacher does not teach from her desk. I agree. It’s impossible to truly engage with your students if you are sitting behind the barrier of your desk. It’s sets a negative tone and gives the impression that you are only there because it’s your job and not because you want to build relationships. Also, due to the demographic of students that I teach, sitting behind a desk would make it quite difficult to put out the fires that are sure to arise with all of the colorful personalities that fill the seats. Again, I don’t sit at my desk too often. Since the computer is across the room from the teacher’s desk, I spend most of my time there when I’m not teaching. I don’t even grade papers at my desk. I tend to sit in a student desk to do that. I don’t know what keeps me from sitting there, but for me the teacher’s desk isn’t where I sit to be the most productive during my down time. With that said, I allow students to sit t