Year 13 teacher here. It’s safe to say that I am officially part of the seasoned crew. With the years of experience comes one of two things: higher or lower expectations. That’s because older teachers tend to be stuck in their ways or highly experienced with a wealth of teaching strategies for every type of learner. I’m a mix of the two. Because of my experience, I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself to be a model teacher. When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I try to pretend that I’m not and I have everything under control. With that said, no matter how many years of experience and how comfortable you are in your tenure, you have to be observed. No one is exempt. Well, that time for me was about two weeks ago. In the past, even as recently as last year, I would always plan a spectacular lesson to present. Even if it meant veering from my lesson plans. It would include activities that showed that the students had learned a lot about a topic and would be very hands on and creative...