The Do’s and Don’ts for Teacher Snow Days

I don’t care what anybody says. Teachers want snow days more than students do. We have been blessed by the weather gods to have a snow day during the week that we returned from winter break. 

On these rare occasions, teachers are faced with the dilemma of what to do on this unexpected day of “free” time. Well that’s what I am here to help you with. The possibilities are endless. I am aware that some options may not be feasible for all lifestyles. However, as a single female and master procrastinator, it works for me. I make these suggestions with the best intentions for you to continue the final stretch of the school year a bit more relaxed. I also hope that a few suggestions tickle your funny bone. This is just my two cents and I’ve created this little blog to share it with you.

Here are the do’s and don’ts for teacher snow days.

  1. Sleep in until at least 10:00 am.
  2. Binge-watch Netflix or Hulu or both.
  3. Spend an unhealthy amount of time on social media comparing your snow day to other teachers’.
  4. Cook a meal, since no one delivers during a blizzard.
  5. Drink something warm while watching the snow. (You see what I did there? That’s mindfulness.)
  6. Read the book that you didn’t get through during winter break.
  7. Think about what you need to do for work, yet not actually get it done. (You see that? Procrastination is ever-present.)
  8. Pray that they give us a delayed opening on the next day, because you do not plan on going out to shovel or clean the snow off your car today.
  9. Relax.
  10.  Be grateful for a job that pays when you don’t report to work.

  1. Grade papers.
  2. Do lesson plans.
  3. Update grades online.
  4. Call parents. They’re stressed out from dealing with their own children.
  5. Get drunk. It’s not the weekend.
  6. Respond to student texts. They’re probably just texting you with excuses for late work anyway.
  7. Respond to supervisor texts unless they’re telling you it’s a snow day.
  8. Touch your work bag unless you’ve left a snack in there from yesterday.
  9. Question your dedication to teaching because of your excitement for a day off.
  10.  Get too excited, because there’s a chance that too many of these “blessings” will result in a longer school year.


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